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6 Marketing Blogs For The Intermediate And Advanced Marketers

June 5, 2021


The more we learn, the more we realise how little we know.  

Working in the digital marketing field where platforms changes isa constant and best practices can shift rapidly, this can often leave the most seasoned marketers or successful business owners feeling the need to constantlyupskill or be left adrift. 

Often, I get asked by enthusiastic students or fellow peers, how can one stay ahead of their game, are there resources or blogs one should follow?  


Digital Marketing Blogs For The Intermediate & Advanced Marketers 

I put together a list of marketing blogs that I follow on the topics of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Social Media Ads and Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO). While there are notable blogs with gated contents and actionable templates requiring paid subscription, for the benefits of all individuals, I will be only be listing blogs with complimentary access to their contents. 

Search Engine Journal provides best practices on search engine marketing (SEM) and search engine optimisation (SEO). The community-based approach sees practitioners and subject matter experts contributing their opinions, tips and insights on SEM/SEO.   

2. SEM & SocialAds:  

WordStream blog have a holistic collection of contents on the topics of PPC and advertising.    

Moz does a detailed coverage on Google search engine algorithm updates since year 2000. This is one resources to bookmark to stay up abrest on the latest search engine algorithm changes & opportunities.    

Ahrefs blog provides detailed guides, tutorials, case studies and opinion pieces on SEO. Their contents are contributed from practitioners and industry experts.   

5. Landing Page & CRO:

Unbounce blog provides both technical insights and design inspirations to enhance your landing page and conversion rate optimisation.    

CXL blog provides related contents on conversion rate optimisation, from data-driven tests, conversion research to lessons from fellow practitioners. 

Some of the contents on these blogs can be relatively technical. In my subsequent article, I will be putting together a list of blogs and resources for business owners or marketers who just started out on the digital marketing journey. 

With the ever-changing nature of the digital marketingenvironment, it is essential we make learning a priority, practice what we learn and continually experiment. Personally, I blocked out 7 hours of my time per week to learn and grow, launching mini-side projects on the side (e.g. Kickstarter campaign).